Entertainment for tots, toppies, and everyone in-between.


Some events are donation based and do not require sign-up prior to the event.

Events marked with * require sign-up and payment before the event.

Kom Run

Kom Run

Nia Dancing

Nia Dancing

Early morning Yoga

Early morning Yoga

Sandcastle Competition

Sandcastle Competition

Potjiekos Competition*

Potjiekos Competition*

Volleyball Competition*

Volleyball Competition*

Tag Team Surf Competition

Tag Team Surf Competition

Anything that floats*

Anything that floats*

Prize Giving & Live Music

Prize Giving & Live Music

Skate Board Competition

Skate Board Competition

Tiny Tot Floater Race*

Tiny Tot Floater Race*

Boere Sport

Boere Sport

Anything with two wheels

Anything with two wheels

Kombledon Tennis Fancy Dress Tournament

Kombledon Tennis Fancy Dress Tournament

